Botox and Fillers: FAQs

In the world of aesthetics, Botox and dermal fillers are two of the most frequently requested treatments. And as these non-surgical alternatives to more invasive forms of cosmetic intervention only increase in popularity, it makes sense to educate yourself on the ins and outs of these sought-after procedures to make sure you know what to expect when you agree to go under the needle at any aesthetics clinic across the country. 

At Cosmetic Perfection, we’ve performed hundreds of Botox and dermal filler treatments since our establishment six years ago, so we truly believe that there’s no one better placed to explore the intricacies of these treatments than us!

What’s the difference between Botox and dermal fillers? 

As Botox and dermal fillers are injectable treatments, many people mistakenly believe them to be more similar than they actually are. And whilst these common procedures can indeed both smooth the effects of ageing, they do so in a radically different way. 

Botox works to temporarily relax the muscles that lead to the development of wrinkles, lines and creases across the face. This ensures that these impressions of age are prevented from being created on the forehead, at the corners of the mouth, around the eyes and between the eyebrows. Botox can also soften the appearance of existing wrinkles. 

Dermal fillers are comprised of a substance known as hyaluronic acid, which can be used to replace lost volume in areas of the face that have begun to thin and sag over time. When administered to specific areas such as the mouth, jawline and cheeks, dermal fillers can fill in wrinkles and lift them from below. As a versatile form of treatment, they can also add volume and definition to prominent facial features such as the lips and straighten out bumpy or hooked noses. 

What can Botox and fillers treat? 

As discussed, Botox and fillers can be used to combat the formation of several types of facial line and wrinkle. However, they can also be adapted to provide solutions to a range of other aesthetic and medical concerns. At Cosmetic Perfection, dermal fillers are also used to help patients achieve plumper and fuller-looking lips using lip fillers and we can deploy Botox, which puts a momentary stop to muscular movement, as an effective treatment for hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). 

Do Botox and fillers hurt? 

As with most things, whether something hurts will largely depend on an individual’s tolerance for pain. Because Botox and dermal fillers are administered with the help of a needle, it’s not too much of a stretch to suggest that patients may experience some discomfort, and we offer local or topical anaesthetic to limit the pain that can be caused by the administration of several sorts of dermal filler.  

How long does it take to see results? 

In terms of dermal fillers, results can typically be seen as soon as the procedure comes to an end. These results will become increasingly visible up to two weeks after treatment due to the filler being given time to settle in its target area and really make its presence known. When it comes to Botox, patients tend to observe a reduction in wrinkle prominence anywhere between 3 and 14 days after treatment. 

How long will results last? 

For the most part, the effects of Botox can be enjoyed for around 3-4 months before top-up procedures are required. This is different for dermal fillers as these can last between 6 and 18 months depending both on the area of treatment and how much filler has been administered to this part of the body. After this period, a wrinkle-less appearance and enhanced facial features can only be maintained by the routine re-administration of dermal fillers. 

Are they any side effects? 

Short of any bruising or swelling, which should subside in due course, you shouldn’t encounter many side effects when undergoing these treatments. There may be a chance that you will suffer from headaches following Botox treatment, but these should disappear after a few days. In more extreme cases, there have been instances where patients have experienced bleeding, infection and even blindness as a result of these procedures, but it is important to remember that these are rare occurrences. 

If you are worried about any symptoms you may be experiencing following your treatment, it is important to seek medical advice as soon as possible. 

Book your treatment at Cosmetic Perfection 

In addition to all of the information offered above, the most important thing to remember when deciding on an aesthetics practitioner is to make sure that you are booking in with someone who is sufficiently trained and experienced in the administration of Botox and fillers. 

At Cosmetic Perfection, all of our treatments are conducted by Dr Emma McKay, a practitioner well known for the quality of her work and her extensive aesthetics skill set. She is dedicated to using the safest, most reliable techniques and prides herself on delivering the finest, most natural-looking results to patients from all walks of life.

To book in for Botox or dermal fillers contact us

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